error correction code

美 [ˈerər kəˈrekʃn koʊd]英 [ˈerə(r) kəˈrekʃn kəʊd]
  • 纠错码;改错码
error correction codeerror correction code


(telecommunication) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors
Synonym: ECC


  1. Improvement on Transmission Mechanism of Dynamic Forward Error Correction Code


  2. A Novel Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Based on Quantum Error Correction Code


  3. Reversible Image Authentication Based on Difference Expansion and Error Correction Code


  4. Error correction code is a key technology for ensuring system performance in practical communication system .


  5. FPGA Implementation of Error Correction Code in MPEG-2 System


  6. The forward error correction code is a binary Reed Solomon code .


  7. Carries on the error correction code and the wide frequency code by FPGA to the signal .


  8. Concatenated forward error correction code in DWDM systems


  9. Improving and Perfecting of Shor Quantum Error Correction Code


  10. It uses error correction code and sort processing technique , which enhance the robustness and advance detection method .


  11. Within a certain range of SNR , error correction code can correct error effectively , and improve system performance .


  12. Introduce the ECC ( Error Correction Code ) into the field of information hiding in binary images .


  13. Error correction code of DVD


  14. The Error Correction Code was unable to correct errors on this media . The restore has been canceled .


  15. A commonly used error correction code ( such as Hamming code ) is not suitable for the case of MLC .


  16. Real-time transport with dynamic error correction code utilizes error correction methods that vary with current packet loss rate and packet error rate of network .


  17. Comparing the error correction code with QPSK , kinds of error correction codes could get different code gain , it can get low BER in low SNR conditions .


  18. In this paper , the background of turbo codes are firstly introduced , which includes the base principle of Error Correction Code 、 Block code and Convolutional code ;


  19. In this paper we propose a new attack strategy to eavesdrop the initially transmitted information based on the techniques of quantum error correction code ( QECC ) .


  20. In quantum information processing , as in classical information processing using the classical error correction code to protect information , we use the quantum error-correcting codes to protect the quantum information .


  21. As a near Shannon error correction code , the turbo code has received great attention due to its wonderful performance , and has been a research hot spot since it was proposed .


  22. This paper uses linear error correction code ( LECC ) of the informatics encoding theoretics to solve the problems of slowness and low reliability on transmission of big data file .


  23. Low density parity check ( LDPC ) code , which is a special case of error correction code with sparse parity-check matrix , has the performance very close to the Shannon Limit .


  24. At the same time , use error correction code can improve the self-recovery ability of the whole image . ( 2 ) Improve a region-based medical image lossless watermarking algorithm , adding tamper recovery part .


  25. At present , there are three reliability mechanisms that guarantee the data transmission in the WSN , they are forward error correction code ( FEC ), automatic retransmission ( ARQ ) and multipath transmission .


  26. Therefore , the study and implementation of channel decoder of NVD with independent intellectual property rights is of great significance . A research is been doing on the data format and error correction code of NVD .


  27. Security and effectivity of the system is guaranteed . ( 5 ) Linear Error Correction Code ( LECC ) is used to resolve the problem of Error Correction in the process of backup and restore .


  28. BCH code , a very good kind of linear error correction code that has been found by now , is widely applied to mobile communications , wireless paging systems , fiber optical communications , and so on .


  29. Low-density parity-check ( LDPC ) code is one of the most important error correction code which is reintroduced in recent years , and the degree distribution of it has great influence to the performance of different modulation modes .


  30. And the main means to solve the problem in the electronic system is error correction code ( ECC ) . There are a lot kinds of ECC in modern storage areas , one of the most classic is BCH code .
